Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vitamin D Helps Weight Loss Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS

Vitamin D Helps Weight Loss

Being overweight with excess body fat and abdominal obesity represent an overwhelming threat to the health of millions of men, women and children. Obesity is out of control, and today the number of obese people exceeds 35 % and it is growing rapidly. It is a true epidemic. Closely tied with this epidemic is the high percentage of the population of the United States that is grossly deficient in vitamin D. We have been told that the sun is bad for us, and processed foods have minimal Vitamin D in them and even Vitamin D fortified milk and orange juice are a joke, with the wrong type of Vitamin D, and amounts so small that they are essentially worthless unless you drank five gallons of milk and juice a day.
Fortunately, there is hope. Vitamin D has been shown to be critical in the creation of stored fat. You can help your body burn abdominal fat and lose weight naturally by incorporating adequate amounts of vitamin D in your diet, primarily through extremely inexpensive supplementation. A Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism study showed that the lack of Vitamin D is important in the accumulation of excess body fat. In the absence of sufficient vitamin D the body increases the number and size of newly formed fat cells that will promote and accelerate abdominal obesity. Providing sufficient levels of vitamin D, will signal fat cells to shrink. This makes weight loss much easier when calories are restricted.

Research proves that Vitamin D improves weight loss. Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS

Researchers at Aberdeen University found that low levels of vitamin D interfered with the function of a hormone called leptin, which tells the brain when the stomach is full. The study also found that excess body fat absorbs vitamin D, stopping it entering the bloodstream. Unfortunately in the winter months, when exercise is difficult and seasonal depression creeps in, low vitamin D levels are epidemic and will cause weight gain. In addition, the rapid spiral worsens as the accumulation of excess body fat leads to the fat-soluble vitamin D becoming locked away in fat cells.
In another study involving 60 overweight/obese women aged 20-35 years adhering to a low calorie diet, those with higher vitamin D levels lost more weight and fat. This supports the theory that women with a better vitamin D status will respond better to low calorie diets and lose more body fat.

In postmenopausal women calcium/vitamin D supplements have been shown to slow weight gain This finding comes from a detailed, seven-year study of more than 36,000 U.S. women enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative. It clearly demonstrates that most weight gain was in the youngest postmenopausal women and that Vitamin D and calcium slowed the process of weight gain.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have discovered that if you are struggling to lose weight or have lost weight but plateaued, that adding vitamin D3 to a high protein diet may be just be the boost you need. They found that you could lose 25 pounds of flab from your body in about 7 seconds per day, simply by adding vitamin D3 this year. So it appears that Vitamin D3 may be the "SWITCH" that turns on automatic fat burning engine.
A 2009 study conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota found that overweight people have better success in losing weight when their vitamin D levels are increased. When combined with a reduced-calorie diet, it appears that supplementation with vitamin D helps to promote increased weight loss among those whose levels are low. For each nanogram per milliliter increase in vitamin D precursor, it was observed that an extra half-pound loss in weight occurred while on the diet plan.

To address the Metabolic syndrome and the increase in visceral abdominal fat, I believe it is critical to understand the connection between vitamin D levels and insulin resistance. Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the wide set of disorders associated with this syndrome of high cholesterol, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and increased abdominal fat. In a study published in 2004, the authors saw a 60% improvement in insulin sensitivity in healthy, vitamin D replete adults — and determined that vitamin D was more potent than two prescription medications commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes.
Clearly, vitamin D is critical in regulating our weight, and knowing the dramatic impact on thyroid function, and optimizing metabolism, the correlation between rising rates of obesity and vitamin D deficiency aren’t a surprise. Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol supports so many important functions in our bodies and interacts with over 2000 Genes. To believe that the only benefit of Vitamin D is to improve bone growth seems short cited at best. Focus on optimizing your vitamin D levels, and a healthy and active lifestyle will be in your future. Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Help Me...I know my thyroid isn't working right! Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS

Most endocrinologists. Internists and Family Practice physicians subscribe to the practice guidelines of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Guidelines that totally disregard a patient’s symptoms and place more importance on worthless reference range lab values. Why do they totally disregard a patient’s plea of classic symptoms of low thyroid function, with weight gain, exhaustion, hair falling out, dry skin and worsening memory, even depression when confronted with a “normal” TSH level??? I have no idea why. I believe how the patient actually feels is the absolute most important decision making factor in choosing therapy as well as in increasing or decreasing doses. The TSH level is absolutely, unadulteratedly worthless test! Studies have repeatedly shown the ineffectiveness and potential harm of only T4-replacement. The studies show that T4-replacement leaves many patients suffering chronically from hypothyroid symptoms and gaining weight they can't lose through dieting and exercise. I believe Synthroid may be a reasonable medication, but ONLY for someone who has no stress. T4 is inactive, and does not interact well with thyroid receptors. It has to be activated to T3, which is the only form of thyroid hormone that interacts with thyroid receptors. Stress blocks this conversion. Therefore giving a patient synthroid to a patient with any type of physical, emotional or situational stress is a worthless effort. It will not work! Patients have to use the combination of T3, and T4. The T3 will provide immediate energy. I prefer the Armour thyroid from Forrest labs, and avoid the use of generic thyroid supplements.
Now here is one more twist. When a person has Hashimoto’s (Autoimmune Thyroiditis), they have antibodies that have attacked their own thyroid. Because these antibodies “gum” everything up and block any hormone from interacting with thyroid receptors, thyroid levels are absolutely worthless. You can have high “normal “ values and still demonstrate severe low thyroid symptoms. By the way, 30 % of women over the age of 50, will have positive antibodies, and all the lab tests will be worthless. Therefore in these women, women presenting with classic low thyroid symptoms and who are often told their thyroid is “normal”, the ONLY reliable factor for adjusting the thyroid medication dose or the need for treatment is “HOW DO YOU FEEL?” The lab tests are worthless, and the ONLY way to manage Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is by adjusting the medications to a patient’s signs and symptoms. I repeat …Lab results are worthless, and patient’s symptoms are the most important and only way to adjust medications. The only way! So, spending time speaking with patients, as well as ongoing adjustment of thyroid replacement therapies is critical to achieve optimization of thyroid management.

How Common Is Thyroid Disease? You might be suprised to see how common it is! Robert g Carlson, MD, FACS

Thyroid Disease: The Numbers
How Common Is Thyroid Disease?

When the AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) established new TSH Guidelines (0.3 - 3.0 vs. 0.5 - 5.0, and Labcorp and your physician still insist that a level of 4.5 is normal?)) the number of people estimated to be affected by abnormal thyroid function doubled.
According to the AACE, the number of people affected by Thyroid Disease now surpasses the number of people diagnosed with Diabetes or Heart Disease.
• 27 Million: The number of Americans estimated to suffer from Thyroid Disease. (And 75 % of those patients are being treated with the worthless therapy of only T4 or synthroid alone)
• 13 Million: The number of Americans estimated to suffer from Thyroid Disease...but remain undiagnosed.( I think that this number is much higher)
• 14 Million: Estimated number of Americans affected by Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (Autoimmune Thyroiditis / Hypothyroidism). And that means that the TSH lab test , and even all the basic thyroid lab tests are worthless. And by the way, 30% of women over the age of 50 will have these antibodies, will have classic low thyroid symptoms, and will be told their lab values are normal! The lab tests are worthless, and the ONLY way to manage Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is by adjusting the medications to a patient’s signs and symptoms.
• 8 out of 10: Patients with Thyroid Disease are women.
• 5x - 8x: Women are 5 to 8 times more likely to suffer from Hypothyroidism than men.
• 25%: Approximate number of women that will develop permanent Hypothyroidism.
So stop suffering from low energy levels (especially in the late afternoon), weight gain( despite eating right and exercising), brain fog, muscle aches and pain, poor digestion, hair loss, dry skin and depression. Just say “no” to only being tested with TSH, and demand to get the full panel. If you are NOT getting better on replacement therapy, demand that your doctor checks your thyroid antibodies. And demand that your doctor takes care of you and NOT a worthless unreliable lab test like TSH.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


(A Xeno-Estrogen overview)

I have always tried to remind people that while we can’t change everything in our environment, we can make simple daily changes that can and WILL directly affect the health quality of our future and that of our family. Of course I’m not asking you to go home and peel the paint off the walls or remove the carpet but...simply “Change What You Can”…i.e. personal care products. What, my personal care products? That’s correct!
The Sierra Club tells us that there are already approximately 200 chemicals in the average person’s body fat. It is not a question of ‘if’ we are carrying a burden of toxic compounds, but how much!
One third of all personal care products contain at least one or more ingredients classified as possible human carcinogens.
While it’s pretty scary to think about, experts tell us that most of us come in contact with over 200 toxic chemicals before we get dressed in the morning. That means we are bathing ourselves in toxins! Think about what you used this am…Got up…brushed your teeth (toothpaste), got into the shower (body soap or wash, shampoo, conditioner, shaving gels)…getting dressed (deodorant, body lotion, aftershave)…fixing hair (hair gels, styling gels, hairspray)…Not to mention facial creams, make-up, perfume. The list continues and that’s even before you walk out of the house!
So what is a Xeno-Estrogen? It is a chemical that unfortunately is often found in our daily personal care products, and will produce dangerous artificial Estrogens, not like normal healthy estrogens produced in our bodies. These Xeno-estrogens are ever present, but in some will produce dangerous side-effects. I often tell my male patients, since high estrogen levels in men is very dangerous in men, to avoid estrogens in our environment, like anti-dandruff shampoos, and the a large consumption of chicken and turkey.( They didn’t get large breast naturally?!). We are seeing young girls develop at a very early age, and should wonder what kinds of xeno-estrogens they are being exposed to on a daily basis. And women in their late 30’s and early 50’s who are plaqued with too much estrogen, and have very low levels of the amazing protective progesterone, and who now are being exposed to massive environmental estrogen, are at an increasing risk for developing breast and uterine cancers, as well as uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.
What is the Risk Factor?
Many skin and personal care products contain carcinogens, fragrances, harmful preservatives and chemicals that can block the skin’s critical natural functions of absorbing oxygen and detoxifying the body. While these toxic ingredients may be present in miniscule amounts, some or all of these chemicals are absorbed through the skin into the fatty tissue and blood stream. Research has shown traces of these toxins are stored in the brain, liver, heart, kidneys, etc. The biggest problems occur when they are repeatedly applied over an extended period of time, which is the nature of personal and skin care products. These ingredients can impact your neurological health, create or worsen allergic reactions, and more acutely affect children and pets as the residue floats down to concentrate 12 inches above the floor where small children and our pets live and play.
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 884 chemicals and synthetic ingredients commonly found in personal care and cosmetic products are toxic and known as irritants, allergens or carcinogens. While they are not prohibited (or have only minimal restrictions) for use in personal and skin care in the United States, in other countries like the Canada, European Union, and Japan, health concerns stimulated laws to ban many of these ingredients.
Most of us think of ‘aging’ as wrinkles that begin to appear on our face. But that word applies to all the diseases and conditions that impact our health . . . breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, etc.
What few realize is that skin care products and other topical personal care items we use are significant contributors to these diseases. The products applied to our skin to help us look younger actually contain Age Accelerators.
Linda Chae , an expert dedicated to creating products that have none of these nasty Aging accelerators in them, stated that, “Every day, we apply creams and lotions, use deodorant, brush our teeth, use perfume (or products with fragrance). . . and the small amounts of toxic, carcinogenic and hormone disrupting chemicals add up. In fact, scientific studies have shown these chemicals remain in our blood and fat tissue, and some have been found in breast cancer tumors. The specific chemicals are not in the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food we eat. They are only found in the products which are then absorbed through the skin.”
I want you to pick up your skin and personal care products and look carefully at the ingredients. See if any of the below Aging accelerators are in your daily products.
The following are the worst of the worst, toxic, carcinogenic accelerators of aging and frightfully so they are commonly found in most skin and personal care products. Below is the brief list and I will go into more depth next week.
Benzoyl Peroxide:

DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), & TEA (Triethanolamine): Dioxin: .
DMDM Hydantoin & Urea (ImidazolidinylFD&C Color & Pigments: Fragrances: Fragrances can indicate the presence of up to 4,000 separate ingredients including phthalates, many toxic or carcinogenic.
Parabens: (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, Propyl) - used as preservatives and aren’t always labeled "parabens." They’re used in deodorants and antiperspirants and have been found in breast cancer tumors. Parabens, as xenoestrogens (hormone disruptors), may contribute to sterility in male mice and humans. Estrogen-like activity causes hormone imbalance in females and early puberty.
PEG (Polyethylene glycol)
Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol:.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): Detergents and surfactants that pose serious health threats.
Sunscreen chemicals: avobenzone, benzphenone, ,ethoxycinnamate, PABA are commonly used ingredients
Did I catch your attention? Go check your household personal products now and there will be more to come next week! Dr. Carlson.