Monday, March 8, 2010

DHA - The Importance of Omega 3

A video on Omega 3 fatty acids.

DHA is a major structural and functional component of our central nervous system, accounting for over 30 % of the total fatty acid content of the human brain. It is essential for the growth and development of brain tissues in infants and children. In adults, it helps assist in supporting normal brain function, including memory and, learning. Horrocks in 1999 described the associated increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease in patients with low DHA levels. In concert with phosphatidylserine, researchers at the NIH revealed that DHA supports energy production in brain cells, and is critical in healthy brain function.

A large number of studies have shown that omega-3 oils can improve brain function, decrease inflammation, reduce the incidence of lethal heart attacks and ischemic strokes,, improve the outcome of autoimmune diseases, and improve vision, reducing the development of macular degeneration.


Unknown said...

Love the info on Omega 3's! As a pharmacist, I see so many people who can improve their health by just taking a good Omega 3 supplement. I am recommending it and also Vitamin D to a lot of my patients. It is really helping me-less inflammation, better mood, and hope to have a ower triglyceride level next time I am due for blood work. Was really privileged to hear Dr Rob speak at an exercise retreat I attended last October-such good information and presented in a very practical, down to earth way! Thanks, Dr. Rob!

Dr Robert Carlson of Sarasota said...

Bobbi- I had a lot of fun talking with everyone at the T-Tapp meeting in Safety Harbor and look forward to next years meeting.

Dr Robert Carlson of Sarasota said...

hey don't forget to check out the video about the Omega-3's on you tube:
Other videos about your thyroid and vitamin d as well.

Just Say Goo said...

I am really loving what DHA is doing for me as I have a condition that creates an inflammation response. When I load up on them plus D3 I just feel so much better! and know i am doing my heart so much better also.