Sunday, December 19, 2010

Balanced Bioidentical hormones will help you lose weight and sharpen your memory

Balanced Bio-identical Hormones will help you lose weight and sharpen your memory
Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS

A recent report in the Gynecology and Endocrinology literature reinforced all the amazing benefits of Bio-identical hormone therapies. This study looked at 189 patients in an over a 12 month study using natural topical estrogen plus progesterone with or without DHEA or testosterone. 97% of patients experienced control of their menopausal signs and symptoms. Mental symptoms experienced upon presentation improved an amazing 90% of time in patients. Sixty percent of the patients, who had gained weight during menopause, lost an average of 14.8 lbs. Studies from Europe have also demonstrated a 24% reduction in breast cancer. The benefits of using bio-identical hormone replacement therapies is finally become more elucidated. The disadvantage (to Big Pharma) of course is there is a dramatic reduction in the sale of their products which are made from horse urine estrogens, and a synthetic cancer-causing progestin. Twelve studies in last five years have proven that synthetic progesterone, or progestins CAUSE breast and Uterine cancer. With the balancing of hormones, I see a tremendous drop in the need for antidepressants, anti-anxieties, and sleeping pills. Just remember, “they” don’t want you to get better, they just want you to keep taking all the drugs they promote on TV (Cymbalta, Lexapro, Effexor, Lunesta; Sonata etc).

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