Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vitamin D Helps Weight Loss Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS

Vitamin D Helps Weight Loss

Being overweight with excess body fat and abdominal obesity represent an overwhelming threat to the health of millions of men, women and children. Obesity is out of control, and today the number of obese people exceeds 35 % and it is growing rapidly. It is a true epidemic. Closely tied with this epidemic is the high percentage of the population of the United States that is grossly deficient in vitamin D. We have been told that the sun is bad for us, and processed foods have minimal Vitamin D in them and even Vitamin D fortified milk and orange juice are a joke, with the wrong type of Vitamin D, and amounts so small that they are essentially worthless unless you drank five gallons of milk and juice a day.
Fortunately, there is hope. Vitamin D has been shown to be critical in the creation of stored fat. You can help your body burn abdominal fat and lose weight naturally by incorporating adequate amounts of vitamin D in your diet, primarily through extremely inexpensive supplementation. A Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism study showed that the lack of Vitamin D is important in the accumulation of excess body fat. In the absence of sufficient vitamin D the body increases the number and size of newly formed fat cells that will promote and accelerate abdominal obesity. Providing sufficient levels of vitamin D, will signal fat cells to shrink. This makes weight loss much easier when calories are restricted.

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