HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 12, Continuing Our Grocery Shopping Adventure !! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS
Day 12: 218.8
Busy day in the office and had to drive to two meetings at the end of the day. Oh , what I would do for a run on the beach. I lost a little weight this time, but last night consumed an entire lemon pepper chicken from Publix, and a small spinach , cheese, and olive salad with Blue cheese dressing....and lost weight. Got to love this diet! Planning on checking my percent fat on Day 13 because I know my weight is relatively stable, but my clothes are fitting a lot more loose. Lets go back to the grocery trip again. I will tell you more about my Fat Burning Accelerator shots after we finish at the Grocery store. And then we will set up a sample week long schedule. Keep following with us and PLEASE add any comments or insights. I strongly believe that every day is a day at school, and I always love learning something new.
I like buying my meat in larger quantities, as this will be a mainstay for the next 4 weeks. Buy a few pounds of hamburger and make patties out of them and freeze the ones you won’t need for the first few days. Be aggressive with using cheeses, all kinds of cheese and spices to “soup-up” your hamburgers. I also get the sale steaks (any cuts) and eat them back to back using spices. A steak for dinner and a spinach salad will fill you up and you can pick up a few strawberries or my favorite cherry sugar free jello and cover it with either regular heavy whipping cream or the low sugar whipping cream options. Buy your cheese in bulk as well. Either the large blocks or go crazy when the individual grated cheese bags are on sale. Although, It is so much less expensive to grate your own cheese then to pay for the packaged kind . Also stay away from the low fat cheese or the kind made with milk. Always remember, when it says “lo w-fat”, it really means ‘high sugar”.
You can also purchase seafood options at almost any grocery deli. Recently I enjoyed eating over a ½ pound of lightly sauteed bay scallops with Parmesan and Romano cheese melt over the top. I was full after eating that meal and there were absolutely zero carbs in that meal.
The critical part of the diet or what I would like to think of as a New Lifestyle with limited carbohydrate intake, is to firmly avoid the foods restricted on the Sarasota Diet. For the first round of 28 days you can’t eat these items because the sugar cravings will take hold and your weight loss will screech to a halt.......... more to follow
Sunday, April 17, 2011
I have been keeping a diary but have been backlogged in writing. I have put together a grouping of articles I will tie together with catching up on my scheduled recordings.
Day#11: 219.2
My energy still is good and I have incorporated my creation of B-vitamins ,carnitine , and chromium into my ANDLOS CLINIC :FAT BURNING ACCELERATOR shots( I will tell you more about these soon) which I use three times a week in conjunction with my nightly HCG shots. I have been in somewhat of a stall and I believe it is because I need to exercise more. I love it when I am losing a pound a day, but my goal is to lose 16 pounds in 28 days. My good friend in Palm Beach has exceeded that in two weeks, but he is a "little" heavier than I. Some questions I am asked daily in my clinic are: So how do I start this 'Sarasota Diet' ?" So I decided to give you a series of brief descriptions on preparing for your first sojourn to the grocery store with Low Carbohydrate approach on your mind. I will reiterate on how to do the shots again, but that is the easy part....Well in fact this whole dietary lifestyle is easy. No caloric restrictions, eat what you can, but just stay away from carbs! If you repeat slowly and often as you walk through the grocery store: "Carbs are poison. These toxins are making me fat and trying to kill me." Repeating that a few times a day will fortify your decision to avoid your previous daily onslaught of massive amounts of dangerous toxic carbohydrates. So lets go shopping....
The new "Sarasota Diet" Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle shopping experience-
Shopping in preparation for starting your low carb Sarasota diet will be a different experience. One thing you will have to do is read labels to check for how many carbohydrates are hidden in your favorite foods. The shock may be overwhelming especially when you realize that you will be allowed a maximum of 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. A cup of rice is over 40 grams. Mountain Dew is 45 grams of carbs. The foods that you would commonly throw into your shopping cart like bread, pasta, and potatoes are no longer welcome in your shopping cart. Just like diving…plan your dive, dive your plan. Your adventure in the grocery store should start with an idea of what you plan to eat for the first week. Also key to anticipating this shopping trip is the gathering of all those high carb snacks throughout your house and hidden in your desk and locking them away if not throwing them all out.
Once in the grocery store, you should shop on the periphery, like the deli, vegetables, eggs, meat, and avoid the packaged high fructose sugar items in the center aisles. Make sure you purchase many low carb options like cheese sticks, deli meats and celery to help satisfy those mid-day cravings. I find however that before you even take a bite of a mid-day snack, you should drink an entire 8 oz glass or bottled water. Then start eating your snack.
Once you arrive at the grocery begin stocking up on cheeses, meats, other high protein options and produce. This way you will purchase the primary foods you should eat for the week and not be tempted by the packaged items in the middle aisles. More to follow…..
Posted by Dr Robert Carlson of Sarasota at 8:25 PM
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I have been keeping a diary but have been backlogged in writing. I have put together a grouping of articles I will tie together with catching up on my scheduled recordings.
Day#11: 219.2
My energy still is good and I have incorporated my creation of B-vitamins ,carnitine , and chromium into my ANDLOS CLINIC :FAT BURNING ACCELERATOR shots( I will tell you more about these soon) which I use three times a week in conjunction with my nightly HCG shots. I have been in somewhat of a stall and I believe it is because I need to exercise more. I love it when I am losing a pound a day, but my goal is to lose 16 pounds in 28 days. My good friend in Palm Beach has exceeded that in two weeks, but he is a "little" heavier than I. Some questions I am asked daily in my clinic are: So how do I start this 'Sarasota Diet' ?" So I decided to give you a series of brief descriptions on preparing for your first sojourn to the grocery store with Low Carbohydrate approach on your mind. I will reiterate on how to do the shots again, but that is the easy part....Well in fact this whole dietary lifestyle is easy. No caloric restrictions, eat what you can, but just stay away from carbs! If you repeat slowly and often as you walk through the grocery store: "Carbs are poison. These toxins are making me fat and trying to kill me." Repeating that a few times a day will fortify your decision to avoid your previous daily onslaught of massive amounts of dangerous toxic carbohydrates. So lets go shopping....
The new "Sarasota Diet" Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle shopping experience-
Shopping in preparation for starting your low carb Sarasota diet will be a different experience. One thing you will have to do is read labels to check for how many carbohydrates are hidden in your favorite foods. The shock may be overwhelming especially when you realize that you will be allowed a maximum of 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. A cup of rice is over 40 grams. Mountain Dew is 45 grams of carbs. The foods that you would commonly throw into your shopping cart like bread, pasta, and potatoes are no longer welcome in your shopping cart. Just like diving…plan your dive, dive your plan. Your adventure in the grocery store should start with an idea of what you plan to eat for the first week. Also key to anticipating this shopping trip is the gathering of all those high carb snacks throughout your house and hidden in your desk and locking them away if not throwing them all out.
Once in the grocery store, you should shop on the periphery, like the deli, vegetables, eggs, meat, and avoid the packaged high fructose sugar items in the center aisles. Make sure you purchase many low carb options like cheese sticks, deli meats and celery to help satisfy those mid-day cravings. I find however that before you even take a bite of a mid-day snack, you should drink an entire 8 oz glass or bottled water. Then start eating your snack.
Once you arrive at the grocery begin stocking up on cheeses, meats, other high protein options and produce. This way you will purchase the primary foods you should eat for the week and not be tempted by the packaged items in the middle aisles. More to follow…..
Posted by Dr Robert Carlson of Sarasota at 8:25 PM
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 10. Here are the facts...low carb diets work the best and are safe! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS
HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 10. Here are the facts...low carb diets work the best and are safe! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS
Day 10 218.6
I am on track for my 28 day goal of losing 16 pounds. How are you doing? I spoke to a patient today, weighing in at 310 before the program, he has already lost 16 pounds in 7 days. He feels great. Using HCG, this Palm Beach patient says he no longer feels the dragging feeling he would experience on the Atkins diet. Instead he is energized, and is experiencing no hunger pangs, and no sugar cravings. He is confident he can maintain his 20 grams of carbohydrate a day goal for 28 days, and maybe even longer. I personally like to take a "break" from the HCG, maintaining a lower carbohydrate approach after the 28 days, and then two weeks later go back onto another 28 day course of HCG. This approach will help your body remain fresh and ready to continue burning away those unwanted fats.
Many people have questioned the use of the Low carbohydrate approach. I know it is the only approach that works for me. As a cardiac surgeon, I am focused on reducing the causes of heart disease. The causes are inflammation, and the low fat diet or better known to me as the HIGH SUGAR DIET will ignite inflammation in your body accelerating heart disease and cancers. So enough about what I think. What do the big boys at Harvard, Duke and Stanford say??
Stanford University Medical School compared four weight-loss diets. People assigned to follow the Atkins diet, which had the lowest carbohydrate intake, lost more than twice the weight and experienced favorable overall metabolic effects at 12 months than those assigned to follow the Zone, Ornish, or LEARN diets.
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Washington University School of Medicine randomly assigned participants to either a low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat diet or a low-calorie, high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. The low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss and improvement in risk factors for coronary heart disease.
University of Cincinnati instructed obese women to follow either a low fat, calorie restricted diet or a low carbohydrate diet for six months. The women lost significantly more weight and body fat on the low carbohydrate diet than women instructed on the low fat diet at three and six months. Additionally, blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and insulin improved.
A study out of the University of Pennsylvania, compared the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet and a low fat diet on lipoprotein subfractions and inflammation on severely obese subjects. The severely obese individuals, who followed a low-carbohydrate diet had beneficial effects on insulin resistance, blood lipids and markers of inflammation.
The objective of this meta-analysis was to look at the evidence related to the association of dietary saturated fat with risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease. This meta-analysis (review of multiple studies) showed that there is NO significant evidence supporting that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of either coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease. Fats do not cause heart disease, it is the high carbohydrates and sugars that cause heart disease.
Harvard University examined a 12 week low fat diet against two different low carbohydrate diets, one allowing 300 more calories a day (eat all you want, just don't eat carbs...now that is my kind of diet). The people who ate the higher calories with the very low carbohydrate diet were able to lose more weight compared to the lower calorie, low fat diet. And the low carbohydrate diet actually improved several risk factors for heart disease.
A Duke University study determined that a six month very low carbohydrate diet program markedly reduced body weight and improved numerous metabolic factors.
Alright, so if studies from Top University Hospital centers like Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Cincinnati, and University of Pennsylvania say that a low carb diet works better for weight loss and improvement in factors affected heart disease, than the low fat diet, then isn’t it about time to throw the low fat diet in the garbage and change to a low carbohydrate lifestyle? It is safe, effective and the best tolerated, so no time is better than the present to begin the Low carbohydrate approach to weight loss and add HCG in the Sarasota Diet to maximize your results and achieve massive weight loss. Dr C
Day 10 218.6
I am on track for my 28 day goal of losing 16 pounds. How are you doing? I spoke to a patient today, weighing in at 310 before the program, he has already lost 16 pounds in 7 days. He feels great. Using HCG, this Palm Beach patient says he no longer feels the dragging feeling he would experience on the Atkins diet. Instead he is energized, and is experiencing no hunger pangs, and no sugar cravings. He is confident he can maintain his 20 grams of carbohydrate a day goal for 28 days, and maybe even longer. I personally like to take a "break" from the HCG, maintaining a lower carbohydrate approach after the 28 days, and then two weeks later go back onto another 28 day course of HCG. This approach will help your body remain fresh and ready to continue burning away those unwanted fats.
Many people have questioned the use of the Low carbohydrate approach. I know it is the only approach that works for me. As a cardiac surgeon, I am focused on reducing the causes of heart disease. The causes are inflammation, and the low fat diet or better known to me as the HIGH SUGAR DIET will ignite inflammation in your body accelerating heart disease and cancers. So enough about what I think. What do the big boys at Harvard, Duke and Stanford say??
Stanford University Medical School compared four weight-loss diets. People assigned to follow the Atkins diet, which had the lowest carbohydrate intake, lost more than twice the weight and experienced favorable overall metabolic effects at 12 months than those assigned to follow the Zone, Ornish, or LEARN diets.
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Washington University School of Medicine randomly assigned participants to either a low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat diet or a low-calorie, high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. The low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss and improvement in risk factors for coronary heart disease.
University of Cincinnati instructed obese women to follow either a low fat, calorie restricted diet or a low carbohydrate diet for six months. The women lost significantly more weight and body fat on the low carbohydrate diet than women instructed on the low fat diet at three and six months. Additionally, blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and insulin improved.
A study out of the University of Pennsylvania, compared the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet and a low fat diet on lipoprotein subfractions and inflammation on severely obese subjects. The severely obese individuals, who followed a low-carbohydrate diet had beneficial effects on insulin resistance, blood lipids and markers of inflammation.
The objective of this meta-analysis was to look at the evidence related to the association of dietary saturated fat with risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease. This meta-analysis (review of multiple studies) showed that there is NO significant evidence supporting that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of either coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease. Fats do not cause heart disease, it is the high carbohydrates and sugars that cause heart disease.
Harvard University examined a 12 week low fat diet against two different low carbohydrate diets, one allowing 300 more calories a day (eat all you want, just don't eat carbs...now that is my kind of diet). The people who ate the higher calories with the very low carbohydrate diet were able to lose more weight compared to the lower calorie, low fat diet. And the low carbohydrate diet actually improved several risk factors for heart disease.
A Duke University study determined that a six month very low carbohydrate diet program markedly reduced body weight and improved numerous metabolic factors.
Alright, so if studies from Top University Hospital centers like Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Cincinnati, and University of Pennsylvania say that a low carb diet works better for weight loss and improvement in factors affected heart disease, than the low fat diet, then isn’t it about time to throw the low fat diet in the garbage and change to a low carbohydrate lifestyle? It is safe, effective and the best tolerated, so no time is better than the present to begin the Low carbohydrate approach to weight loss and add HCG in the Sarasota Diet to maximize your results and achieve massive weight loss. Dr C
HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 9. Adding exercise to melt the fat ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS
HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 9. Adding exercise to melt the fat ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS
Day 9: 218.4
I have been very dedicated to maintaining my diet approach, and why not? It is really easy, especially for those people who would never be able to tolerate the 500 calorie diet of the “classic” HCG approach. I would never be able to run 5 miles and eat only 500 calories. Incorporating exercise into your weight loss program is important, but timing is critical. The first few days on the low carbohydrate approach may make exercising difficult as you have depleting sugar levels in your blood stream and we begin teaching our body to burn fats for energy, not sugar. I really enjoy running and went for a 7 mile run this weekend, tolerating it amazingly well because of the addition of the HCG to the Low Carbohydrate approach. My morning weight was 218.4, but my post run weight was 214.2. I know it is mostly water weight, but I still enjoy seeing those decreasing numbers on my scales. For those who can walk, that is an excellent way to start burning that fat. If walking isn’t enough, jump into the T-Tapp mode. This exercise, nothing to do with tap dancing, is absolutely incredible, dousing the inflammation that is persecuting your body, and helping you melt the fat away and experience a disappearing waistline. Please try it! You can go onto the T-Tapp website, and the amazing Teresa Tapp has provided all kinds of FREE exercises, that she has devoted years developing. You will find the exercises easy to do, and the results amazing. So tie your low carb /HCG diet with an exercise program that burns the fat away.
Day 9: 218.4
I have been very dedicated to maintaining my diet approach, and why not? It is really easy, especially for those people who would never be able to tolerate the 500 calorie diet of the “classic” HCG approach. I would never be able to run 5 miles and eat only 500 calories. Incorporating exercise into your weight loss program is important, but timing is critical. The first few days on the low carbohydrate approach may make exercising difficult as you have depleting sugar levels in your blood stream and we begin teaching our body to burn fats for energy, not sugar. I really enjoy running and went for a 7 mile run this weekend, tolerating it amazingly well because of the addition of the HCG to the Low Carbohydrate approach. My morning weight was 218.4, but my post run weight was 214.2. I know it is mostly water weight, but I still enjoy seeing those decreasing numbers on my scales. For those who can walk, that is an excellent way to start burning that fat. If walking isn’t enough, jump into the T-Tapp mode. This exercise, nothing to do with tap dancing, is absolutely incredible, dousing the inflammation that is persecuting your body, and helping you melt the fat away and experience a disappearing waistline. Please try it! You can go onto the T-Tapp website, and the amazing Teresa Tapp has provided all kinds of FREE exercises, that she has devoted years developing. You will find the exercises easy to do, and the results amazing. So tie your low carb /HCG diet with an exercise program that burns the fat away.
Sarasota Diet:HCG and the Atkins Diet .... no the low carb Lifestyle Day 8 Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS
Sarasota Diet:HCG and the Atkins Diet Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS
Day 8: 219.4
I continue to tolerate the 20 grams of carbohydrates without too much fatigue. Saw patients in my office and performed a three hour liposuction, then ran to football practice. I continue with a cup of coffee in the morning, but moved from Coffee Mate to half and half or whipping cream, since they are lower in carbohydrates. Continue to enjoy my morning and late afternoon chocolate whey milkshake. Roll-ups for lunch with roast beef and horseradish cheddar cheese. For dinner I ate a steak after football practice as well as a salad with romaine lettuce, a few cherry tomatoes, olives, cheddar cheese and Blue cheese dressing.
I enjoyed meeting my new patient in the morning Friday. He is a very intelligent business man, struggling with weight issues. He felt he was eating well, consuming oatmeal (19 grams carbs) for breakfast and lunch, subway sandwiches (12 inch roasted chicken sandwich-96 carbs) for lunch and dinner while working out of town, but was really feeding his increasing abdominal fat with carbs. He also demonstrated high amount of visceral fat, percent body fat exceeding 36% and a percent muscle of only 29% . This gentleman was not only overweight, but severely sarcopenic…or lacking muscle. He has all the signs and symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, increased blood pressure, increased abdominal fat, increased cholesterol, and glucose intolerance with elevated sugars. The metabolic syndrome dramatically increases your risks of developing heart disease. It is the high sugars in his blood stream and his diet that were driving his whole body inflammation, causing his belly to grow even bigger, and his muscles to waste away. Balancing his hormones, optimizing his thyroid function and using the Sarasota Diet will lead to significant weight loss and restoration of his energy levels and youthfulness. I believe that “we spend the first 50 years of our lives sacrificing our health to make money, and the second 50 years of our lives spending our money regaining our health.” Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start now regaining your health and youthfulness.
Day 8: 219.4
I continue to tolerate the 20 grams of carbohydrates without too much fatigue. Saw patients in my office and performed a three hour liposuction, then ran to football practice. I continue with a cup of coffee in the morning, but moved from Coffee Mate to half and half or whipping cream, since they are lower in carbohydrates. Continue to enjoy my morning and late afternoon chocolate whey milkshake. Roll-ups for lunch with roast beef and horseradish cheddar cheese. For dinner I ate a steak after football practice as well as a salad with romaine lettuce, a few cherry tomatoes, olives, cheddar cheese and Blue cheese dressing.
I enjoyed meeting my new patient in the morning Friday. He is a very intelligent business man, struggling with weight issues. He felt he was eating well, consuming oatmeal (19 grams carbs) for breakfast and lunch, subway sandwiches (12 inch roasted chicken sandwich-96 carbs) for lunch and dinner while working out of town, but was really feeding his increasing abdominal fat with carbs. He also demonstrated high amount of visceral fat, percent body fat exceeding 36% and a percent muscle of only 29% . This gentleman was not only overweight, but severely sarcopenic…or lacking muscle. He has all the signs and symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, increased blood pressure, increased abdominal fat, increased cholesterol, and glucose intolerance with elevated sugars. The metabolic syndrome dramatically increases your risks of developing heart disease. It is the high sugars in his blood stream and his diet that were driving his whole body inflammation, causing his belly to grow even bigger, and his muscles to waste away. Balancing his hormones, optimizing his thyroid function and using the Sarasota Diet will lead to significant weight loss and restoration of his energy levels and youthfulness. I believe that “we spend the first 50 years of our lives sacrificing our health to make money, and the second 50 years of our lives spending our money regaining our health.” Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start now regaining your health and youthfulness.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day # 6
Weight: 220.1
Body composition Day 1 %body fat: 22.7 ; % muscle: 33.4 ; Visceral fat: 12
Day 6 %body fat: 20.6 ; % muscle 36.6 ; Visceral fat 11
Day #6: I had a 12 oz shake of Jay Robb’s Whey Protein (chocolate). This stuff is really good blended with ice and water. Drank two cups of coffee, and focused on drinking almost 80 ounces of water today. Lunch involved continuing with my goal of eating low carb vegetables. I try to consume 15 of my grams of carbohydrate as vegetables. Eating a Spinach Cobb salad with Blue cheese dressing, which contained olives, a few tomatoes, chicken, cheese, bacon and egg slices. Of course it came with bread and I quickly set it aside. I have absolutely no desire or craving for pasta, breads, or even my favorite ice cream. This is usually when I falter a little, trying crackers or ice cream, BUT the HCG has reduced any of my cravings to nothing. I had two slices of roast beef and cheddar cheese around 3:00 after a consultation, and then after finishing with patients at 7:30, had another 12 oz shake of Jay Robb’s Whey Protein (chocolate). A late Dinner was three fried eggs in olive oil, two slices of bacon, and cheddar cheese. I used half of a 5 gram lo-carb wrap to put my eggs into. Didn’t get a chance to exercise today, but felt like I had good energy, and if my office schedule wasn’t packed, a nice run on Siesta Key Beach would have been just perfect.
I recently read a report from Web MD that was just plain wrong. It said that there was NO data supporting the Atkins low carbohydrate diet. My response is “There is NO data if you don’t open your eyes and look on Pub Med for 30 seconds.”. Only one year ago there was a review of 13 separate well designed randomized controlled trials comparing low-carbohydrate vs. low-fat/low-calorie diets in the management of obesity. In all of the trials, the Atkins diet was by far the best!! In fact were significant differences between the groups for weight loss, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels , triglyceride levels and the reduction of systolic blood pressure, ALL favoring the low-carbohydrate diet. A 2007 study performed by the NIH(National Institute of Health) in conjunction with Stanford University found that the Atkins diet resulted in the most weight loss, and most beneficial metabolic improvements(lower Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, Blood sugar levels)when compared to the Zone diet, LEARN diets, and the Ornish diets. Interestingly, the Atkins was the ONLY diet of this group that was not based on limiting calories, starvation and deprivation, but focused on choosing the correct nutrient dense foods that would allow the feeling of fullness, while still burning fat. The goal for the low carbohydrate approach is to switch the body from burning carbohydrates, to burning primarily fat for energy. And the HCG diet directs the body to burn the abnormal fat, not structural fat, thus maintaining energy levels throughout the therapy, and optimizing and maximizing effective weight loss and percent fat reduction.
Day # 6
Weight: 220.1
Body composition Day 1 %body fat: 22.7 ; % muscle: 33.4 ; Visceral fat: 12
Day 6 %body fat: 20.6 ; % muscle 36.6 ; Visceral fat 11
Day #6: I had a 12 oz shake of Jay Robb’s Whey Protein (chocolate). This stuff is really good blended with ice and water. Drank two cups of coffee, and focused on drinking almost 80 ounces of water today. Lunch involved continuing with my goal of eating low carb vegetables. I try to consume 15 of my grams of carbohydrate as vegetables. Eating a Spinach Cobb salad with Blue cheese dressing, which contained olives, a few tomatoes, chicken, cheese, bacon and egg slices. Of course it came with bread and I quickly set it aside. I have absolutely no desire or craving for pasta, breads, or even my favorite ice cream. This is usually when I falter a little, trying crackers or ice cream, BUT the HCG has reduced any of my cravings to nothing. I had two slices of roast beef and cheddar cheese around 3:00 after a consultation, and then after finishing with patients at 7:30, had another 12 oz shake of Jay Robb’s Whey Protein (chocolate). A late Dinner was three fried eggs in olive oil, two slices of bacon, and cheddar cheese. I used half of a 5 gram lo-carb wrap to put my eggs into. Didn’t get a chance to exercise today, but felt like I had good energy, and if my office schedule wasn’t packed, a nice run on Siesta Key Beach would have been just perfect.
I recently read a report from Web MD that was just plain wrong. It said that there was NO data supporting the Atkins low carbohydrate diet. My response is “There is NO data if you don’t open your eyes and look on Pub Med for 30 seconds.”. Only one year ago there was a review of 13 separate well designed randomized controlled trials comparing low-carbohydrate vs. low-fat/low-calorie diets in the management of obesity. In all of the trials, the Atkins diet was by far the best!! In fact were significant differences between the groups for weight loss, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels , triglyceride levels and the reduction of systolic blood pressure, ALL favoring the low-carbohydrate diet. A 2007 study performed by the NIH(National Institute of Health) in conjunction with Stanford University found that the Atkins diet resulted in the most weight loss, and most beneficial metabolic improvements(lower Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, Blood sugar levels)when compared to the Zone diet, LEARN diets, and the Ornish diets. Interestingly, the Atkins was the ONLY diet of this group that was not based on limiting calories, starvation and deprivation, but focused on choosing the correct nutrient dense foods that would allow the feeling of fullness, while still burning fat. The goal for the low carbohydrate approach is to switch the body from burning carbohydrates, to burning primarily fat for energy. And the HCG diet directs the body to burn the abnormal fat, not structural fat, thus maintaining energy levels throughout the therapy, and optimizing and maximizing effective weight loss and percent fat reduction.
weight 220.6
I continued to feel good and today I went for a five mile run. Previously running over 30 marathons. I know what "hitting the wall" was like. On previous attempts at the Atkins diet, I recall experiencing the feeling of "hitting the wall" when i ran more than 5 miles. Exercise is critical to achieving your weight loss goals, and when you restrict your carbohydrate intake, and exercise, your body is forced to burn fat for its energy source. That's really good for losing weight, but also for losing that persistent belly fat. I found that using the HCG, and eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates, I didn't experience the fatigue when running 6 miles. So time to increase my mileage and enjoy a nice long run.
Today for breakfast I drank 12 ounces of chocolate flavored whey milk shake and for a midday snack repeated that with a large portion of whip cream...no carbs. For lunch. I had three of the roll-ups with turkey and Gouda cheese. For dinner I had my favorite salad with Romaine lettuce, green olives, cheddar cheese and a few slices of cucumber, cover with blue cheese dressing.
In the first two hours after a meal, blood glucose and insulin levels rise higher after a high glycemic load meal than they do after a low-glycemic load meal containing equal calories. However, in response to the excess insulin secretion, blood glucose levels drop lower over the next few hours after a high-glycemic load meal than they do after a low-glycemic load meal. This may explain why 15 out of 16 published studies found that the consumption of low glycemic index foods delayed the return of hunger, decreased subsequent food intake, and increased satiety (feeling full) when compared to high-glycemic index foods. Although long-term randomized controlled trials of low-glycemic load diets in the treatment of obesity are lacking, the results of short-term studies on appetite regulation and weight-loss suggest that low glycemic-load diets may be useful in promoting long-term weight-loss and decreasing the prevalence of obesity.
Less Than 20
Broccoli 15
Celery 15
Cucumber 15
Green beans 15
Lettuce, all varieties 15
Spinach 15
Tomatoes 15
weight 220.6
I continued to feel good and today I went for a five mile run. Previously running over 30 marathons. I know what "hitting the wall" was like. On previous attempts at the Atkins diet, I recall experiencing the feeling of "hitting the wall" when i ran more than 5 miles. Exercise is critical to achieving your weight loss goals, and when you restrict your carbohydrate intake, and exercise, your body is forced to burn fat for its energy source. That's really good for losing weight, but also for losing that persistent belly fat. I found that using the HCG, and eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates, I didn't experience the fatigue when running 6 miles. So time to increase my mileage and enjoy a nice long run.
Today for breakfast I drank 12 ounces of chocolate flavored whey milk shake and for a midday snack repeated that with a large portion of whip cream...no carbs. For lunch. I had three of the roll-ups with turkey and Gouda cheese. For dinner I had my favorite salad with Romaine lettuce, green olives, cheddar cheese and a few slices of cucumber, cover with blue cheese dressing.
In the first two hours after a meal, blood glucose and insulin levels rise higher after a high glycemic load meal than they do after a low-glycemic load meal containing equal calories. However, in response to the excess insulin secretion, blood glucose levels drop lower over the next few hours after a high-glycemic load meal than they do after a low-glycemic load meal. This may explain why 15 out of 16 published studies found that the consumption of low glycemic index foods delayed the return of hunger, decreased subsequent food intake, and increased satiety (feeling full) when compared to high-glycemic index foods. Although long-term randomized controlled trials of low-glycemic load diets in the treatment of obesity are lacking, the results of short-term studies on appetite regulation and weight-loss suggest that low glycemic-load diets may be useful in promoting long-term weight-loss and decreasing the prevalence of obesity.
Less Than 20
Broccoli 15
Celery 15
Cucumber 15
Green beans 15
Lettuce, all varieties 15
Spinach 15
Tomatoes 15
Sarasota Diet- HCG and low carbohydrate Day #4
Day #4: 221.2
This was my first real challenge. I ate dinner out and carefully only ate the grouper and the green beans. The garlic mash potatoes however were continually calling for me to "Eat me". But I endured. My breakfast consisted of bacon and eggs on a low carb wrap. The wrap did have 3 grams of carbohydrates however...the bacon and eggs none. I snacked on Macadamia nuts throughout the day, and for lunch had two rollups of ham and muenster cheese. After dinner, and no dessert, I really needed something sweet, so I piled three containers of sugar-free jello into a large bowl and proceeded to fill the rest of the bowl with whip cream....no calories.
I have had a number of questions about eating whole grain breads pastas, or even brown rice. Well i am restricting my total carbohydrate intake to under 20 grams each day. A serving of 100% whole grain macoroni has 47 grams of carbohydrates, whole wheat spaghetti 37 grams, brown rice has 45 grams of carbs in one cup,Arnold's multigrain bread-20 grams, but their sugar free carb counting only has 9 grams in one slice.....essentially half your day's intake of carbohydrates. Bottomline is whole grain or not. They are packed with carbs and if you want to be successful with the Sarasota Diet, they can't be on your menu.
So what about the Glycemic Index
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equally: in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index (GI) describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switch to eating mainly low GI carbs (the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels) is the secret to long-term health; thus reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes which is the key to sustainable weight-loss.
• Low GI means a smaller rise in blood glucose levels after meals
• Low GI diets can help people lose weight
• Low GI diets can improve the body's sensitivity to insulin
• High GI foods help re-fuel carbohydrate levels after exercise
• Low GI improve diabetes control
• Low GI foods keep you fuller for longer.
So the key is to avoid those high glycemic index foods!
Sarasota Diet- HCG and low carbohydrate Day #4
Day #4: 221.2
This was my first real challenge. I ate dinner out and carefully only ate the grouper and the green beans. The garlic mash potatoes however were continually calling for me to "Eat me". But I endured. My breakfast consisted of bacon and eggs on a low carb wrap. The wrap did have 3 grams of carbohydrates however...the bacon and eggs none. I snacked on Macadamia nuts throughout the day, and for lunch had two rollups of ham and muenster cheese. After dinner, and no dessert, I really needed something sweet, so I piled three containers of sugar-free jello into a large bowl and proceeded to fill the rest of the bowl with whip cream....no calories.
I have had a number of questions about eating whole grain breads pastas, or even brown rice. Well i am restricting my total carbohydrate intake to under 20 grams each day. A serving of 100% whole grain macoroni has 47 grams of carbohydrates, whole wheat spaghetti 37 grams, brown rice has 45 grams of carbs in one cup,Arnold's multigrain bread-20 grams, but their sugar free carb counting only has 9 grams in one slice.....essentially half your day's intake of carbohydrates. Bottomline is whole grain or not. They are packed with carbs and if you want to be successful with the Sarasota Diet, they can't be on your menu.
So what about the Glycemic Index
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equally: in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index (GI) describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switch to eating mainly low GI carbs (the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels) is the secret to long-term health; thus reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes which is the key to sustainable weight-loss.
• Low GI means a smaller rise in blood glucose levels after meals
• Low GI diets can help people lose weight
• Low GI diets can improve the body's sensitivity to insulin
• High GI foods help re-fuel carbohydrate levels after exercise
• Low GI improve diabetes control
• Low GI foods keep you fuller for longer.
So the key is to avoid those high glycemic index foods!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Day #3 AM weigh-in 222.3
Breakfast- A cup of coffee, and 12 ounces of my Jay Robb Chocolate whey shake. I had a Reuben roll-up for lunch, with 1/2 cup of sauerkraut, Corned Beef, and melted cheese. And no bread. This represents about 3 grams of carbohydrates. I had a salad with cucumbers (2-3) , romaine lettuce, a few cherry tomatoes, sharp cheddar cheese, green olives and blue cheese dressing. Only about 2 grams of carbohydrates because of the tomatoes and cucumbers. Blue cheese dressing has almost zero carbohydrates. I then ate a 16 ounces steak on the grill, and that was zero carbohydrates. I really don't think this is for everyone, but most men have absolutely no issue with this diet approach, I have seen dramatic weight loss in my patients. And of course, this is really the only diet (low carb) that has consistently shown to effectively lower elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Also I never experienced significant hunger and cravings.
Here is some more information about how we develop fat, and ways to speed it melting away. The beginning accumulation of abnormal fat shows as a little pad just below the nape of the neck, known as the Duchess’ Hump. There is a triangular fatty bulge in front of the armpit when the arm is held against the body. When the skin is stretched by fat rapidly accumulating under it, it may split in the lower layers. When these splits are large and fresh, the tears may appear as “purple” in color, but later they are transformed into white scar tissue. Such striation, as it is called, commonly occurs on the abdomen of women during pregnancy, but in obesity it is frequently found on the breasts, the hips and occasionally on the shoulders. In many cases, striation is so fine, that the small white lines are only just visible. They are always a sure sign of obesity, and though this may be slight at the time of examination such patients can usually remember a period in their childhood when they were excessively chubby.
Another typical sign is a pad of fat on the insides of the knees, a spot where normal fat reserves are never stored. There may be a fold of skin over the pubic area and another fold may stretch around both sides of the chest, where a loose roll of fat can be picked up between two fingers. In the male, an excessive accumulation of fat in the breasts is always indicative, while in the female the breasts are usually, but not necessarily, large. Obviously excessive fat on the abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, chin and shoulders are characteristic, and it is important to remember that any number of these signs may be present in persons whose weight is statistically normal; particularly if they are dieting on their own with iron determination.
Common clinical symptoms which are indicative only in their association and in the frame of the whole clinical picture are: frequent headaches, rheumatic pains without detectable bony abnormality; a feeling of laziness and lethargy, often both physical and mental and frequently associated with insomnia, the patients saying that all they want is rest; the frightening feeling of being famished and sometimes weak with hunger two to three hours after a hearty meal and an irresistible yearning for sweets and starchy food which often overcomes the patient quite suddenly and is sometimes substituted by a desire for alcohol; constipation and a spastic or irritable colon are unusually common among the obese, and so are menstrual disorders.
�� Drink filtered or bottled spring water. Tap water is mostly loaded with chlorine and fluoride.
�� Walk at least 30 minutes to one hour per day.
�� Eat apples. Eating at least 2 apples every day will help to regulate blood sugar and reduce your appetite.
�� Eat grapefruit. Eating at least 2 grapefruits daily are proven to help release fat.*(20)
�� Apple Cider Vinegar*(3) and Balsamic Vinegar can be used on your salad and marinated on your daily proteins (beef, breast of chicken and white fish). This stimulates metabolism and cleansing of the internal organs. It is also powerful in helping to release stored fat cells.
�� Expeller Pressed Virgin Raw Unfiltered Coconut Oil*(6) can be used for cooking. This
stimulates metabolism, improves digestion, and helps to release fat. Use sparingly.
�� Use Natural Sweeteners. Stevia is highly recommended. No artificial sweeteners.
�� Eating breakfast helps to increase your metabolism,* decrease appetite and increase your morning blood sugar for energy throughout the day.
�� Eat 5- 6 small meals per day. This will help to speed up your metabolism.
�� Eat salad or vegetables with lunch and dinner. Eating a salad made with fresh vegetables helps to stimulate digestion and adds fiber which helps to regulate blood sugar.
�� Organic food is preferred but not required and can be costly and not readily accessible in various areas. Organically grown vegetables, fruits and protein do not contain pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and flavor enhancers. Our physicians recommend to carefully wash all non-organic food products as thoroughly as possible.
�� Adding fiber will help relieve constipation, reduce appetite, improve digestion and cleanse the body of toxins.*(19) We recommend Fiber Bio Fuel which provide a daily abundant source of soluble and insoluble fiber.
�� Drink tea. We recommend Oolong, Chamomile and Green tea. These teas do not need to be organic.
�� Eliminate all carbonated beverages. They block calcium absorption, cause nutritional`
deficiencies and slow down digestion.*(18)
�� Eliminate ALL alcoholic beverages.- I feel that this is more of a guideline than a rule. Small glass wine/beer/ one mixed drink would be ok.
�� Avoid high fructose corn syrup.*(17) This is a man made highly processed sugar that can lead to obesity.
�� No MSG (Monosodium Glutamate). This is a flavor enhancer which can make you
�� No Fast Food.
�� Use a Colon Cleanse, We suggest a deep acting organic colon cleanse and body detoxification loaded with cleansing herbs that naturally support the detoxification process of the body. I find using Tone-De Tox ( New Health Corp)daily will help control regularity and promote cleansing.
Day #3 AM weigh-in 222.3
Breakfast- A cup of coffee, and 12 ounces of my Jay Robb Chocolate whey shake. I had a Reuben roll-up for lunch, with 1/2 cup of sauerkraut, Corned Beef, and melted cheese. And no bread. This represents about 3 grams of carbohydrates. I had a salad with cucumbers (2-3) , romaine lettuce, a few cherry tomatoes, sharp cheddar cheese, green olives and blue cheese dressing. Only about 2 grams of carbohydrates because of the tomatoes and cucumbers. Blue cheese dressing has almost zero carbohydrates. I then ate a 16 ounces steak on the grill, and that was zero carbohydrates. I really don't think this is for everyone, but most men have absolutely no issue with this diet approach, I have seen dramatic weight loss in my patients. And of course, this is really the only diet (low carb) that has consistently shown to effectively lower elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Also I never experienced significant hunger and cravings.
Here is some more information about how we develop fat, and ways to speed it melting away. The beginning accumulation of abnormal fat shows as a little pad just below the nape of the neck, known as the Duchess’ Hump. There is a triangular fatty bulge in front of the armpit when the arm is held against the body. When the skin is stretched by fat rapidly accumulating under it, it may split in the lower layers. When these splits are large and fresh, the tears may appear as “purple” in color, but later they are transformed into white scar tissue. Such striation, as it is called, commonly occurs on the abdomen of women during pregnancy, but in obesity it is frequently found on the breasts, the hips and occasionally on the shoulders. In many cases, striation is so fine, that the small white lines are only just visible. They are always a sure sign of obesity, and though this may be slight at the time of examination such patients can usually remember a period in their childhood when they were excessively chubby.
Another typical sign is a pad of fat on the insides of the knees, a spot where normal fat reserves are never stored. There may be a fold of skin over the pubic area and another fold may stretch around both sides of the chest, where a loose roll of fat can be picked up between two fingers. In the male, an excessive accumulation of fat in the breasts is always indicative, while in the female the breasts are usually, but not necessarily, large. Obviously excessive fat on the abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, chin and shoulders are characteristic, and it is important to remember that any number of these signs may be present in persons whose weight is statistically normal; particularly if they are dieting on their own with iron determination.
Common clinical symptoms which are indicative only in their association and in the frame of the whole clinical picture are: frequent headaches, rheumatic pains without detectable bony abnormality; a feeling of laziness and lethargy, often both physical and mental and frequently associated with insomnia, the patients saying that all they want is rest; the frightening feeling of being famished and sometimes weak with hunger two to three hours after a hearty meal and an irresistible yearning for sweets and starchy food which often overcomes the patient quite suddenly and is sometimes substituted by a desire for alcohol; constipation and a spastic or irritable colon are unusually common among the obese, and so are menstrual disorders.
�� Drink filtered or bottled spring water. Tap water is mostly loaded with chlorine and fluoride.
�� Walk at least 30 minutes to one hour per day.
�� Eat apples. Eating at least 2 apples every day will help to regulate blood sugar and reduce your appetite.
�� Eat grapefruit. Eating at least 2 grapefruits daily are proven to help release fat.*(20)
�� Apple Cider Vinegar*(3) and Balsamic Vinegar can be used on your salad and marinated on your daily proteins (beef, breast of chicken and white fish). This stimulates metabolism and cleansing of the internal organs. It is also powerful in helping to release stored fat cells.
�� Expeller Pressed Virgin Raw Unfiltered Coconut Oil*(6) can be used for cooking. This
stimulates metabolism, improves digestion, and helps to release fat. Use sparingly.
�� Use Natural Sweeteners. Stevia is highly recommended. No artificial sweeteners.
�� Eating breakfast helps to increase your metabolism,* decrease appetite and increase your morning blood sugar for energy throughout the day.
�� Eat 5- 6 small meals per day. This will help to speed up your metabolism.
�� Eat salad or vegetables with lunch and dinner. Eating a salad made with fresh vegetables helps to stimulate digestion and adds fiber which helps to regulate blood sugar.
�� Organic food is preferred but not required and can be costly and not readily accessible in various areas. Organically grown vegetables, fruits and protein do not contain pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and flavor enhancers. Our physicians recommend to carefully wash all non-organic food products as thoroughly as possible.
�� Adding fiber will help relieve constipation, reduce appetite, improve digestion and cleanse the body of toxins.*(19) We recommend Fiber Bio Fuel which provide a daily abundant source of soluble and insoluble fiber.
�� Drink tea. We recommend Oolong, Chamomile and Green tea. These teas do not need to be organic.
�� Eliminate all carbonated beverages. They block calcium absorption, cause nutritional`
deficiencies and slow down digestion.*(18)
�� Eliminate ALL alcoholic beverages.- I feel that this is more of a guideline than a rule. Small glass wine/beer/ one mixed drink would be ok.
�� Avoid high fructose corn syrup.*(17) This is a man made highly processed sugar that can lead to obesity.
�� No MSG (Monosodium Glutamate). This is a flavor enhancer which can make you
�� No Fast Food.
�� Use a Colon Cleanse, We suggest a deep acting organic colon cleanse and body detoxification loaded with cleansing herbs that naturally support the detoxification process of the body. I find using Tone-De Tox ( New Health Corp)daily will help control regularity and promote cleansing.
HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" How to prepare the HCG and give yourself an injection ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS
I have had a number of people ask me about mixing the HCG and how to give the shot.
The approach I am using is to start out at 200 units HCG( 20 mark on the syringe), for the first two weeks, and then increase to 300 units day 15-25( 30 mark on the syringe), and finally to reduce back to the 200 units. Attached is a video to show you how to prepare it, and how to give yourself a subcutaneous injection in the tummy. Dr. C
I have had a number of people ask me about mixing the HCG and how to give the shot.
The approach I am using is to start out at 200 units HCG( 20 mark on the syringe), for the first two weeks, and then increase to 300 units day 15-25( 30 mark on the syringe), and finally to reduce back to the 200 units. Attached is a video to show you how to prepare it, and how to give yourself a subcutaneous injection in the tummy. Dr. C
Friday, April 1, 2011
Day # 2 “Sarasota Diet”
223.6 pounds (down from 226.4 )
For breakfast I started with a cup of coffee and before leaving the house drink a 12 oz mixture of Jay Robb Whey Protein Chocolate (adding 12 ounces of cold water and ice to a scoop – 30 grams of powder. Total 1 gram carbohydrate. I really tried to drink a lot of water and flavored water all day long, attempting to consume a total of 100 ounces a day. (I use this as a guideline to drink about half of your weight (pounds) in ounces). For lunch I ate four roll-ups of white cheddar cheese and Boars head Londonport roast beef. (Zero carbs) For dinner I ate an entire lemon pepper chicken- zero carbs. (Most women might find that rather “gross”, but most men could probably eat an entire chicken and still be searching for dessert) This night however I didn’t feel hungry and didn’t eat any sugar free jello. I have also added two tablets of a product I created called Stop-it. This blocks all sweet flavors, even diet soda for about 45 minutes. I took my shot of HCG 200 units prior to going to bed. I was surprised that I really wasn’t that hungry. Also in the evening, when I might be tempted to forage for carbohydrates, I just wasn’t hungry.
In the human body we can distinguish three kinds of fat. The first is the structural fat which fills the gaps between various organs, a sort of packing material. Structural fat also performs such important functions as bedding the kidneys in soft elastic tissue, protecting the coronary arteries and keeping the skin smooth and taut, it also provides the springy cushion of hard fat under the bones of the feet, without which we would be unable to walk.
The second type of fat is a normal reserve of fuel upon which the body can freely draw when the nutritional income from the intestinal tract is insufficient to meet the demand. Such normal reserves are localized all over the body. Fat is a substance which packs the highest caloric value into the smallest spaces that normal reserves of fuel for muscular activity and the maintenance of body temperature can be most economically stored in this form. Both these types of fat, structural and reserve, are normal, and even if the body stocks them to capacity, this can be never being called obesity.
But there is a third type of fat which is entirely abnormal. It is the accumulation of such fat, and of such fat only, from which the overweight patient suffers. This abnormal fat is also a potential reserve of fuel, but unlike the normal reserves, it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency. It is, so to speak, locked away in a fixed deposit and is not kept in a current account, as are the normal reserves.
When an obese patient tries to reduce by starving himself/herself, he/she will first lose the normal fat reserves. When these are exhausted, they begin to burn up structural fat, and only as a last resort with the body yield its abnormal reserves, though by that time the patient usually feels so weak and hungry that the diet is abandoned. It is just for this reason that obese patients complain that when they diet, they lose the wrong fat. They fell famished and tired and their face becomes drawn and haggard, but their belly, hops, thighs and upper arms show little improvement. The fat they have come to detest stays on and the fat they need to cover their bones gets less and less. Their skin wrinkles and they look old and miserable. And that is one of the most frustrating and depressing experiences a human being can have. So how does HCG help burn this abnormal fat, and to preserve the structural fats?
Day # 2 “Sarasota Diet”
223.6 pounds (down from 226.4 )
For breakfast I started with a cup of coffee and before leaving the house drink a 12 oz mixture of Jay Robb Whey Protein Chocolate (adding 12 ounces of cold water and ice to a scoop – 30 grams of powder. Total 1 gram carbohydrate. I really tried to drink a lot of water and flavored water all day long, attempting to consume a total of 100 ounces a day. (I use this as a guideline to drink about half of your weight (pounds) in ounces). For lunch I ate four roll-ups of white cheddar cheese and Boars head Londonport roast beef. (Zero carbs) For dinner I ate an entire lemon pepper chicken- zero carbs. (Most women might find that rather “gross”, but most men could probably eat an entire chicken and still be searching for dessert) This night however I didn’t feel hungry and didn’t eat any sugar free jello. I have also added two tablets of a product I created called Stop-it. This blocks all sweet flavors, even diet soda for about 45 minutes. I took my shot of HCG 200 units prior to going to bed. I was surprised that I really wasn’t that hungry. Also in the evening, when I might be tempted to forage for carbohydrates, I just wasn’t hungry.
In the human body we can distinguish three kinds of fat. The first is the structural fat which fills the gaps between various organs, a sort of packing material. Structural fat also performs such important functions as bedding the kidneys in soft elastic tissue, protecting the coronary arteries and keeping the skin smooth and taut, it also provides the springy cushion of hard fat under the bones of the feet, without which we would be unable to walk.
The second type of fat is a normal reserve of fuel upon which the body can freely draw when the nutritional income from the intestinal tract is insufficient to meet the demand. Such normal reserves are localized all over the body. Fat is a substance which packs the highest caloric value into the smallest spaces that normal reserves of fuel for muscular activity and the maintenance of body temperature can be most economically stored in this form. Both these types of fat, structural and reserve, are normal, and even if the body stocks them to capacity, this can be never being called obesity.
But there is a third type of fat which is entirely abnormal. It is the accumulation of such fat, and of such fat only, from which the overweight patient suffers. This abnormal fat is also a potential reserve of fuel, but unlike the normal reserves, it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency. It is, so to speak, locked away in a fixed deposit and is not kept in a current account, as are the normal reserves.
When an obese patient tries to reduce by starving himself/herself, he/she will first lose the normal fat reserves. When these are exhausted, they begin to burn up structural fat, and only as a last resort with the body yield its abnormal reserves, though by that time the patient usually feels so weak and hungry that the diet is abandoned. It is just for this reason that obese patients complain that when they diet, they lose the wrong fat. They fell famished and tired and their face becomes drawn and haggard, but their belly, hops, thighs and upper arms show little improvement. The fat they have come to detest stays on and the fat they need to cover their bones gets less and less. Their skin wrinkles and they look old and miserable. And that is one of the most frustrating and depressing experiences a human being can have. So how does HCG help burn this abnormal fat, and to preserve the structural fats?
With prescribed HCG, take an subcutaneous injection of 0.2ml( 200 units) first thing in the morning.( check out my website for how to mix the HCG, and where to give your injections on www.andlos.com) Eat as often as you like throughout the day. But do not exceed 20 grams of carbohydrates! On the Sarasota diet, we will keep your total carbohydrate intake to below 20 grams for the entire 28 day course. In addition, you need to drink ½ to 1 gallon of filtered or bottled spring water throughout the day.
DAY 1-14: .2 cc of HCG or 200 units.
Day 15-25: .3 cc of HCG or 300 units.
Days 25-28: .2 cc of HCG or 200 units.
Weigh yourself in the morning when you wake up without clothing and after you have emptied your bladder. Administer the HCG injection with dosing as above.
Day #1- Beginning weight: 226.4( Yikes, I am starting this just in time) I took my HCG, .2cc at bedtime. My breakfast consisted of two cups of coffee but I am going to begin to incorporate a whey milk shake with less than 1 carbohydrate in the future. I ate three rollups (boars head brand roast beef rolled up with white cheddar cheese) for lunch. Because there are zero carbs in the roll-ups, you can eat as many as you want. At dinner I ate a steak and a salad with romaine lettuce, sharp cheddar cheese, olives, cucumber, and a lot of Blue Cheese dressing. The only carbs in this meal are from the lettuce portions. For dessert I had three containers of black cherry sugar-free jello with a whole bunch of whip cream on it. Absolutely NO carbohydrates!
With prescribed HCG, take an subcutaneous injection of 0.2ml( 200 units) first thing in the morning.( check out my website for how to mix the HCG, and where to give your injections on www.andlos.com) Eat as often as you like throughout the day. But do not exceed 20 grams of carbohydrates! On the Sarasota diet, we will keep your total carbohydrate intake to below 20 grams for the entire 28 day course. In addition, you need to drink ½ to 1 gallon of filtered or bottled spring water throughout the day.
DAY 1-14: .2 cc of HCG or 200 units.
Day 15-25: .3 cc of HCG or 300 units.
Days 25-28: .2 cc of HCG or 200 units.
Weigh yourself in the morning when you wake up without clothing and after you have emptied your bladder. Administer the HCG injection with dosing as above.
Day #1- Beginning weight: 226.4( Yikes, I am starting this just in time) I took my HCG, .2cc at bedtime. My breakfast consisted of two cups of coffee but I am going to begin to incorporate a whey milk shake with less than 1 carbohydrate in the future. I ate three rollups (boars head brand roast beef rolled up with white cheddar cheese) for lunch. Because there are zero carbs in the roll-ups, you can eat as many as you want. At dinner I ate a steak and a salad with romaine lettuce, sharp cheddar cheese, olives, cucumber, and a lot of Blue Cheese dressing. The only carbs in this meal are from the lettuce portions. For dessert I had three containers of black cherry sugar-free jello with a whole bunch of whip cream on it. Absolutely NO carbohydrates!
HCG Q & A:
What is HCG?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone is a substance that occurs naturally in pregnant women. The HCG has the effect of releasing abnormal stored fat primarily from the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, while preserving structural fat as in the face and skin.
Can it be harmful?
No. During pregnancy it is produced daily in a quantity hundreds of thousands of times the amount used for the treatment of obesity, yet it harms neither the mother, nor the child.
How does HCG work?
When Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is used alone, injections of the HCG are provided seven days a week in combination with low carbohydrate or low calorie diet. Recently there is a Oral disintegrating HCG preparation that may provide an option for those not wanting to do injections. However I feel the injection approach achieves far superior results.
Can both men and women take HCG?
Yes. It has been used with equally good results in both.
How does the HCG diet work?
During pregnancy, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is believed to help insure that the fetus will have access to its mother’s stored fat supply, regardless of the amount of food she ingests. After birth, the HCG ensures the newborn will receive nutrition for the first 72 hours if not getting proper nutrition. In overweight people, HCG seems to work by the same method - namely making available permanently stored supplies of fat, as well as making it possible to adhere to the low calorie diet.
Will it affect my appearance?
Because Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does protect the structural fat, wrinkles, if any, will be dramatically reduced. The treatment does not deplete the subcutaneous or other essential fat; therefore the face retains its freshness and natural appearance. Double chins, protruding stomachs and fat around the thighs should be the first to go. Stretching of the skin generally causes stretch marks. This can occur with weight gain, not weight loss.
Has this method been used before?
Yes. When first reported in the Medical Journal Lancet in November of 1954, it had been used in thousands of cases. Since then it has been used in many more.
What will I feel after the injections?
Usually a loss of appetite occurs and patients notice that the severe compulsive hunger disappears completely.
How long can I take the HCG?
Approaches involve programs going from 21 days to 42 days but after 40 injections, the effectiveness diminishes due to the body's ability to develop temporary immunity to the HCG. However, if necessary, subsequent courses of injections can be resumed after a Metabolic Recovery (Phase II). In some instances, 4 or more courses have been given with continued effectiveness if the Metabolic Recovery (Phase II) interval has been allowed between them.
Will I gain back the weight when I stop the HCG?
Some degree of moderation in eating will be necessary because of the tendency to gain weight after ANY type of weight loss program. However, a stabilizing program that includes counseling on lifestyle should be a part of any Weight Loss program. Stability of the normal weight is relatively easy because the weight loss has been from storage fat and not from structural fat.
What happens if an injection is missed?
This merely delays the total effectiveness of the program.
Besides fat loss, are there any other actions or side effects?
Yes, there seems to be some stimulation to the generative system. Premenstrual difficulties may be relieved. Abnormal loss of head hair in obese individuals may cease. Brittle fingernails may become normal and professional singers may note an improvement in their voices. Blood pressure tends to normalize, cholesterol readings become normal, and arthritis symptoms are lessened. No adverse reactions to the injections have been experienced.
Is HCG approved by the FDA?
HCG is approved by the FDA for various medical conditions. However, it has not been specifically determined by the FDA to be effective for weight loss. That being said, several studies have been done with conclusions of its positive effects for weight loss. One study in 1954 that was published in The Lancet, was done by world renowned A. T. W. Simeons, M.D. This data is part of the basis of the Advanced HCG Weight Loss program. Another study presented by Dr. Daniel Belluscio, also concluded HCG was effective for weight loss under specific conditions.
*The Food and Drug Administration Has Labeled HCG as Not Being Effective in the Treatment of Obesity.
HCG Q & A:
What is HCG?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone is a substance that occurs naturally in pregnant women. The HCG has the effect of releasing abnormal stored fat primarily from the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, while preserving structural fat as in the face and skin.
Can it be harmful?
No. During pregnancy it is produced daily in a quantity hundreds of thousands of times the amount used for the treatment of obesity, yet it harms neither the mother, nor the child.
How does HCG work?
When Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is used alone, injections of the HCG are provided seven days a week in combination with low carbohydrate or low calorie diet. Recently there is a Oral disintegrating HCG preparation that may provide an option for those not wanting to do injections. However I feel the injection approach achieves far superior results.
Can both men and women take HCG?
Yes. It has been used with equally good results in both.
How does the HCG diet work?
During pregnancy, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is believed to help insure that the fetus will have access to its mother’s stored fat supply, regardless of the amount of food she ingests. After birth, the HCG ensures the newborn will receive nutrition for the first 72 hours if not getting proper nutrition. In overweight people, HCG seems to work by the same method - namely making available permanently stored supplies of fat, as well as making it possible to adhere to the low calorie diet.
Will it affect my appearance?
Because Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does protect the structural fat, wrinkles, if any, will be dramatically reduced. The treatment does not deplete the subcutaneous or other essential fat; therefore the face retains its freshness and natural appearance. Double chins, protruding stomachs and fat around the thighs should be the first to go. Stretching of the skin generally causes stretch marks. This can occur with weight gain, not weight loss.
Has this method been used before?
Yes. When first reported in the Medical Journal Lancet in November of 1954, it had been used in thousands of cases. Since then it has been used in many more.
What will I feel after the injections?
Usually a loss of appetite occurs and patients notice that the severe compulsive hunger disappears completely.
How long can I take the HCG?
Approaches involve programs going from 21 days to 42 days but after 40 injections, the effectiveness diminishes due to the body's ability to develop temporary immunity to the HCG. However, if necessary, subsequent courses of injections can be resumed after a Metabolic Recovery (Phase II). In some instances, 4 or more courses have been given with continued effectiveness if the Metabolic Recovery (Phase II) interval has been allowed between them.
Will I gain back the weight when I stop the HCG?
Some degree of moderation in eating will be necessary because of the tendency to gain weight after ANY type of weight loss program. However, a stabilizing program that includes counseling on lifestyle should be a part of any Weight Loss program. Stability of the normal weight is relatively easy because the weight loss has been from storage fat and not from structural fat.
What happens if an injection is missed?
This merely delays the total effectiveness of the program.
Besides fat loss, are there any other actions or side effects?
Yes, there seems to be some stimulation to the generative system. Premenstrual difficulties may be relieved. Abnormal loss of head hair in obese individuals may cease. Brittle fingernails may become normal and professional singers may note an improvement in their voices. Blood pressure tends to normalize, cholesterol readings become normal, and arthritis symptoms are lessened. No adverse reactions to the injections have been experienced.
Is HCG approved by the FDA?
HCG is approved by the FDA for various medical conditions. However, it has not been specifically determined by the FDA to be effective for weight loss. That being said, several studies have been done with conclusions of its positive effects for weight loss. One study in 1954 that was published in The Lancet, was done by world renowned A. T. W. Simeons, M.D. This data is part of the basis of the Advanced HCG Weight Loss program. Another study presented by Dr. Daniel Belluscio, also concluded HCG was effective for weight loss under specific conditions.
*The Food and Drug Administration Has Labeled HCG as Not Being Effective in the Treatment of Obesity.
I know there has been a lot of discussion about the HCG diet. I have found that using HCG, in conjunction with a very low calorie diet, some describe as low as 500 kcal, that effective weight loss is achieved. Of course 500 kcal sounds impossible, and is essentially a form of starvation, but using the HCG protocol, this low calorie approach is actually tolerable. I however find this approach , with a low calorie diet, to be very difficult for men. However, the Atkins diet, based on a low carbohydrate approach, is well tolerated, and many men do well on this diet versus the “controlled” starvation of a 500 kcal diet.
For men who can’t tolerate and need more than 500 kcal diet( definitely me!), I have developed the “Sarasota Diet”, which incorporates the use of HCG , making a 20 gram carbohydrate diet extending over a 28 day period feasible. So how does HCG really work? I would like to document my experience with this approach over the next 28 days, documenting my chosen food selections (low carbohydrate) as well as my dosing schedule for injectable HCG. Feel free to follow my approach, and to even make your suggestions to help me achieve my goals. I am 226 lbs, 54 years old and have never seen below 210 since I was 40. I want to get to 210…and maybe to 200. I have run numerous marathons, and completed 3 ironman’s, but still haven’t reached my goal. I have had success with Atkins, but after a week or two, begin to struggle with carbohydrate cravings. So my approach is to add HCG to the Atkins low carbohydrate approach, and to melt the fat away. So let’s get going!
But first let me explain a little more about the HCG diet. HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin has been used since the early fifties to help people lose weight. HCG when used by itself, does not cause weight loss. It is the low calorie diet (or low carbohydrate diet), in conjunction with the HCG that provides an accelerated fat loss. HCG is a naturally occurring substance in the human body produced by the placenta during pregnancy in very high amounts. The reason for this high production of HCG was poorly understood until Dr. A.T.W. Simeon, a British physician, studied its effects and developed a program of weight reduction. Those who have taken HCG while dieting report that it is much easier for them to stay on the diet and they seem to lose inches rapidly from the primary fat stores, in particular, the belly, buttocks, and thighs. There have been no reported adverse side effects to this substance. Unfortunately there has been no clearly defined scientific or clinical explanation, however it appears to work at the level of the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, to suppress your appetite, and thus allow one to tolerate a low calorie or my approach, a low carbohydrate diet.
Posted by Dr Robert Carlson of Sarasota at 8:44 PM
I know there has been a lot of discussion about the HCG diet. I have found that using HCG, in conjunction with a very low calorie diet, some describe as low as 500 kcal, that effective weight loss is achieved. Of course 500 kcal sounds impossible, and is essentially a form of starvation, but using the HCG protocol, this low calorie approach is actually tolerable. I however find this approach , with a low calorie diet, to be very difficult for men. However, the Atkins diet, based on a low carbohydrate approach, is well tolerated, and many men do well on this diet versus the “controlled” starvation of a 500 kcal diet.
For men who can’t tolerate and need more than 500 kcal diet( definitely me!), I have developed the “Sarasota Diet”, which incorporates the use of HCG , making a 20 gram carbohydrate diet extending over a 28 day period feasible. So how does HCG really work? I would like to document my experience with this approach over the next 28 days, documenting my chosen food selections (low carbohydrate) as well as my dosing schedule for injectable HCG. Feel free to follow my approach, and to even make your suggestions to help me achieve my goals. I am 226 lbs, 54 years old and have never seen below 210 since I was 40. I want to get to 210…and maybe to 200. I have run numerous marathons, and completed 3 ironman’s, but still haven’t reached my goal. I have had success with Atkins, but after a week or two, begin to struggle with carbohydrate cravings. So my approach is to add HCG to the Atkins low carbohydrate approach, and to melt the fat away. So let’s get going!
But first let me explain a little more about the HCG diet. HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin has been used since the early fifties to help people lose weight. HCG when used by itself, does not cause weight loss. It is the low calorie diet (or low carbohydrate diet), in conjunction with the HCG that provides an accelerated fat loss. HCG is a naturally occurring substance in the human body produced by the placenta during pregnancy in very high amounts. The reason for this high production of HCG was poorly understood until Dr. A.T.W. Simeon, a British physician, studied its effects and developed a program of weight reduction. Those who have taken HCG while dieting report that it is much easier for them to stay on the diet and they seem to lose inches rapidly from the primary fat stores, in particular, the belly, buttocks, and thighs. There have been no reported adverse side effects to this substance. Unfortunately there has been no clearly defined scientific or clinical explanation, however it appears to work at the level of the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, to suppress your appetite, and thus allow one to tolerate a low calorie or my approach, a low carbohydrate diet.
Posted by Dr Robert Carlson of Sarasota at 8:44 PM
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